How to Use This Site



You may read the articles in your browser or you may download them. Your computer configuration will determine how the download feature operates.

To read the article in your Browser

On the main page, click on the article title. The article will open in your browser. You will see links at the top and bottom of the page.

  • The Home link will return you to the main menu.
  • The Top button to return to the beginning of the article.
  • The Bottom button, if present, will take you to the end of the article.

Some articles are broken into several sections. Links on each page will take you to the next and prior pages. Some articles have an index with links that take you to specific sections.

To download an article

Most articles have links at the top and bottom of the page that allow you to download the article to your computer or to open it in Microsoft Word©. Click on the Download link to begin the process.

Some articles are split into several Web pages. Clicking Download on any page will download the entire article; you do not have to download each Web page separately.

  • If you have Microsoft Word© or compatible software installed on your computer the article should open within your word processor. From the menu bar choose File and Save As to save the file.
  • If you are asked where to save the file, chose the location where you would like to save it.

If you run into difficulty, right click on the Download link. From the menu choose Save Target As. When prompted, enter the location where you would like to save the file.


